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World of Fruit Trees and their Plant Pots

garden with many unripe mango trees

Malaysia has the perfect weather to grow fruit trees while this hobby of planting fruit trees is one enjoyed by only a few. For example, we are blessed with an abundance of fruit trees such as mangoes, durians, rambutans, passion fruits, papayas, and etc. There is always something to match your tastes and preferences depending on what you would like to cultivate in your garden. While these fruit trees provide us with a sweet treat every now and then, they also contribute to the lush greenery that defines our beautiful country. 

Fruit Trees in Malaysia 

We have a diversity of fruit trees in Malaysia that act as our country’s pride and soul. Some of the more common ones are:


Durian, in our country, is known as the “King of Fruits” due to their creamy texture and distinctive aroma. It can be enjoyed fresh or used in various desserts and snacks. Well, depending on the person, it’s either a hit or a miss. 


Who doesn’t love mangoes? We’d understand if you’re allergic, but if you aren’t, you’re totally missing out. Mangoes are coveted for their sweet and juicy flesh which comes in various cultivars with different flavors and textures. They are best when eaten fresh. However, some may opt to freeze them to be blended into smoothies and desserts, or more uncommonly used in salads. 


You’d be able to spot a rambutan from anywhere based on their distinctive appearance. It is a tropical fruit with a hairy exterior. Their sweet and translucent flesh may be reminiscent of a longan but trust us, they’re different. It is also commonly eaten fresh or used in fruit salads, desserts, and preserves. 


Papayas are known for their sweet and slightly musky flavor, along with their vibrant orange flesh that does not taste remotely like an orange. Those who do not like papayas remarked that this fruit tastes like earth and vomit. Now, that’s a rather degrading comment for papaya lovers. If it’s not fresh, we’d understand otherwise, it just tastes like a sweet melon. 


If durian is the “King of Fruits”, then mangosteen would be the “Queen of Fruits”. Mangosteens have a sweet and tangy flavor, coupled with its delicate snow-white segments. Most would enjoy it as it is, fresh, while some may even use them in desserts, jams, and beverages. 

Environmental Benefits of Growing Fruit Trees

While fruit trees are meant for consumption, there is actually more to this than just on the surface level. There are also environmental benefits when it comes to growing fruit trees and they are: 

Wildlife Habitat

Some of you may own land that isn’t within the vicinity of your own home, and growing fruit trees can be beneficial for wildlife habitat. These fruit trees can provide a home and food source for wildlife like birds, insects, and small mammals. This is because they play minor yet important roles in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. By planting fruit trees, you can brag about contributing to creating a habitat for wildlife and supporting the natural environment. 

Oxygen Production

Just like all plants, fruit trees help with the absorption of carbon dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis. This process helps improve the air quality around us so that it is cleaner and fresher to breathe. By growing fruit trees and replacing these new ones with the ones that have been cut down, you’re essentially giving back to the environment by increasing oxygen levels. As the years come, you’ll find that you’re contributing a lot more than you think. 

Soil Conservation

The roots of trees in general, help hold soil in place. This prevents erosion and reduces the risk of landslides or soil degradation. On top of that, fallen leaves from fruit trees will decompose over time, enriching the soil with organic matter. It improves fertility and structure that benefits the health of the trees and also supports the growth of other plants within their vicinity. 

Types and Materials of Plant Pots Available

Did you know that trees can come in plant pots? Well, now you do. There are so many types and materials available catered to different types of plants. However, you may need to change them as they grow bigger or you won’t be able to contain them.

Fiberglass Pots

Fiberglass pots are lightweight and durable, ideal for large or heavy trees. They come in various shapes, sizes, and finishes, including textured or glossy surfaces. They also offer excellent insulation for tree roots and are resistant to weathering and cracking. 

Recycled Tire Planters

If you’re an advocate of sustainability, this might suit you more. Repurposing old tires as planters is the more eco-friendly option and also a creative way for you to grow trees. These tires are recommended to be stacked or arranged horizontally to create multi-level planters that provide a unique and unconventional garden feature. On top of that, they can withstand outdoor conditions and are an affordable option for tree cultivation. 

Fabric Grow Bags

Fabric grow bags are also considered as an eco-friendly option for plant pots in Malaysia. They are lightweight and breathable containers made from felt fabric or woven polypropylene. They can provide excellent aeration and drainage for tree roots that promote healthy growth. Additionally, they are also portable and foldable making them convenient for temporary tree planting or urban gardening. 

Are you ready to take part in transforming your space into a paradise of fruit trees? We have a wide selection of plant pots for sale in Malaysia for you to bring home the perfect containers. Nurture your own fruitful space with our help and start planting today!

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